
Showing posts from March, 2021

Juniper Publishers: Juniper Publishers 2020 and 2021 Impact Factor

Juniper Publishers: Juniper Publishers 2020 and 2021 Impact Factor : Juniper Publishers 2020 and 2021 Impact Factor 1.      Academic Journal of Pediatrics And Neonatology (AJPN) : 2019-2020 ...

Juniper Publishers: Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science About the Basis ...

Juniper Publishers: Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science About the Basis ... : Complementary Medicine & Alternative Healthcare - Juniper Publishers   Abstract Both ancient wisdom and modern science say the same: ...

Characterization of Teatina Coast Marine Habitats (Central Adriatic Sea) toward an Integrated Coastal Management- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract The Adriatic Sea represents a vulnerable ecosystem and need an Integrated Coastal Management to protect, conserve and manage the coastal and marine areas. This preliminary work proposes a local case study aimed to the characterization of coastal marine habitats along Teatina coast (Abruzzo, central Italy), carrying out 11 transects parallel to the coastline. Moreover, the presence of sea turtles and cetaceans has been estimated by the analysis of specimens stranded and included in the GeoCETUS database of Centro Studi Cetacei onlus. The results show that the study area has a considerable marine biodiversity and a sustainable management is urgent for preserving the habitats and associated species. As first step the Nature 2000 network should be implemented by including the marine areas in front of each terrestrial SCIs and Natural Reserves, to create some marine protected areas along Teatina coast with the...

Paradigm Shifts: Climate Change and Water Allocation- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Opinion Climate change is not an impending event, it has already arrived. Its extent is unclear, but notions of an impending or present mass extinction abound. Global warming is tempered by our seas, where more than a third of the planet's carbon is stored. These oceans, enormous sinks of carbon and home to vast and diverse life forms, will transform from a preserver of climatic balance to a destroyer of it. Barring a radical reduction of emissions, we will see at least four feet of sea-level rise and possibly ten by the end of the century. Climate change appears to be the most pressing collective action problem of modern times. Global coordination initiatives - from Kyoto to Paris -have not, to date, resulted in an appreciable reduction of emissions or in any discernable shift, globally, our economic system. Fundamentally, human perceptions of water, fish and nature generally has been through the lens of a resource. This paradig...

Juniper Publishers: Narcissistic Personality Measures Discriminate Bet...

Juniper Publishers: Narcissistic Personality Measures Discriminate Bet... :  Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation - Juniper Publishers Abstract Tattooing was proposed as a creative way for self-expres...

Juniper Publishers: Role of Early Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancr...

Juniper Publishers: Role of Early Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancr... :  Open Access Journal of Surgery - Juniper Publishers  Abstract Acute pancreatitis is a common condition that has been the cause of extrem...

A test for Costs Subadditivity in the Fishery Sector- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract The seminal work by Baumol et al. [ 1 ] has highlighted the importance of analyzing firms' costs structure. This allows to design proper policy measures and to understand the impacts of those policies in markets. The note presents an original method and an application for testing costs subadditivity in the fishery sector, by using a system of supply functions under strict conditions and assumptions. The method is practical, though robust, and can be appied in the absence of detailed data on costs structures. Under stringent hypothesis (that delimit the application) they can be inferred from the supply functions. Subadditivity in costs, in fact, is a more proper economic definition (and methodological approach) than traditional economies of scale in fishery. The latter, in fact, does not depend from the vessel technology, but on the degree of quantity and variety of fish species in the ocean. ...

Juniper Publishers: Community-Based Interventions in the Field of Phys...

Juniper Publishers: Community-Based Interventions in the Field of Phys... :  Current Research in Diabetes & Obesity - Juniper Publishers Abstract One of the most important responsibilities of governments as a ...

Juniper Publishers: Monitoring Processes and Improvement of Wine Quali...

Juniper Publishers: Monitoring Processes and Improvement of Wine Quali... :  Biotechnology & Microbiology - Juniper Publishers   Abstract Moderate consumption of wine seems to be beneficial to health, because...

The Highest Seawater Level Along the Upper Gulf of Thailand in 100 Years- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract Information on seawater level in extreme cases is crucial for coastal engineering and management. This research predicts the 100- year seawater level along the upper Gulf of Thailand. Long-term tidal records were gathered from the Marine Department at 3 stations, being Bang Pakong tidal station in Samutprakan province, Ta Chen tidal station in Samutsakhon province, and Mae Klong tidal station in Samutsongkhram province. The records covered more than 35 years. The annual highest high seawater levels were identified for each station. The Extreme value analysis from ordered data was utilized. All tidal stations along the upper Gulf of Thailand indicated an increasing trend of the seawater level. The highest seawater level in 100 years at Bang Pakong, Ta Chen, and Mae Klong tidal stations were expected to be +2.14m MSL, +2.42m MSL, and +2.30m MSL respectively. Applications of the results can be used for designs...

Towards Minimizing Underwater Noise from Ships- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Review Underwater noise from commercial ships has historically been less of a concern until recently when its negative effect on the marine environment has become much obvious [ 1 ]. The eye- opening international event happened in 1996. The Alliance, an oceanographic research vessel operated by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), was conducting experiments with the new sonar off the coast of Greece. Several hours after the experiments, 17 beaked whales stranded in the Kyparissiakos Gulf and subsequently died [ 2 ]. In the middle of the ongoing debate over SURTASS (Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System), the unusual mass stranding of cetaceans was discovered in the Bahamas islands in the spring of 2000 [ 3 ]. Similar accidents such as these triggered a considerable concern on the detrimental impact of man-made underwater noise on marine life, such as marine mammals and fish (for a short review on anthr...

Seaweed Aquaculture: An Alternative Income Generation Option to Improve the Livelihood of the Southeast Coastal Communities of Bangladesh- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract Coastal communities are blessed with abundance of natural resources nevertheless, they remain poor especially in developing countries. The livelihoods of the inhabitants of coastal areas are deficient in proper economic growth. To improve sustainable ways of earning from various income sources using their existing resources, approaches to develop alternative livelihood is a common practice. Coastal communities of Bangladesh occupied on southeastern coasts, known to have a significant number of commercially valuable seaweeds grown seasonally. The communities here are aware of the value yet have no idea how to use it. The current study elucidated the response of coastal inhabitants' on potentiality of seaweed farming as an alternate income generation (AIG) activity to improve the livelihood of the coastal community in Bangladesh. Keywords: Seaweed; Alternative income generation (AIG); Bangladesh; Coasta...

Juniper Publishers: Evaluation of Mid-Lactation Holstein Cows During H...

Juniper Publishers: Evaluation of Mid-Lactation Holstein Cows During H... :  Dairy & Veterinary Sciences - Juniper Publishers  Abstract Heat stress (HS) has detrimental effects on lactating cattle especially w...

Precision Aquaculture: IPAT- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Introduction The Definitive Principles of aquaculture cannot be written in indelible ink. This science is a part of a continuously improvement program. Way back in 1960’s it was recommended to feed the carps with rice bran and oil cake, because they were available in cheap. After the realization that these organic feeds are poorly utilized by fish and the fact that nowadays these raw materials for many other beneficial and much more economical activities and with increased demand, the cost of these raw materials has increased significantly. As advised in classic aquaculture, if it is mixed in 1:1 ratio and fed to fish, the cost of production will be Rs. 99/kg. But now in many parts of the country, the farm gate value of carps (Rs. 80/kg) does not rise above the cost of production. Till recently, carp seed rearing and farming at any scale was highly profitable because of the low cost for the inputs. But this is no ...

Juniper Publishers: Laparoscopic Splenectomy in Non-Cirrhotic Portal H...

Juniper Publishers: Laparoscopic Splenectomy in Non-Cirrhotic Portal H... : Gastroenterology & Hepatology - Juniper Publishers   Abstract In our institute, laparoscopic splenectomy was performed in 27 patients o...

Macroalgal Blooms on the Rise along the Coast of China- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract A broad spectrum of events that come under the category of macroalgal blooms are recognized world-wide as a response to elevated levels of eutrophication in coastal areas. In the Yellow Sea of China, green tides have consecutively occurred 10 years, which is considered as the world's largest U!va blooms. However, in recently years, golden tides caused by Sargassum seaweed have also been on the rapid rise, resulting in dramatic damage to the environment and economy again. This review introduced the formation of two macroalgal blooms in the Yellow Sea and reasonable measures to mitigate them, thus safeguarding the intrinsic and commercial value of coastal marine ecosystems. Introduction Nutrient inputs to coastal waters have increased in coastal environments worldwide as a direct consequence of the growing human population and increased settlement and use of coastal a...