Juniper Publishers - Journal of Oceanography Short Communication The broad coastal waters in East China Sea (ECS) is an ideal natural spawning and feeding grounds for major economic fishes. Every year during spring and summer, numbers of fishes like small yellow croaker, hairtail, pomfret and white Chinese croaker will return to this area to spawn and prey [1]. ECS occupies an extremely important position in the Chinese fishery. Due to the quick growth of fishing effort, from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, notable changes had taken place in offshore traditional economy fish resources, which presented a serious recession [2]. The main phenomena and features were individual miniaturization, simple age structure and early maturation [3]. To deal with these problems, the government of China carried out summer fishing moratoriumin ECS and Yellow Sea in 1995. More than twenty years after implementation, the coverage, duration and fishing style has continued to expand.Till now...