
Showing posts from September, 2020

Juniper Publishers: Prevalence of Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Medic...

Juniper Publishers: Prevalence of Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Medic... :   Open Access Journal of Surgery - Juniper Publishers   Abstract Background: An increasing number of general surgical patients are bein...

Juniper Publishers: Effect of Lupeol, A Triperpenoid Compound on the D...

Juniper Publishers: Effect of Lupeol, A Triperpenoid Compound on the D... :  Biotechnology & Microbiology - Juniper Publishers Abstract mec A gene is found to be responsible for drug resistance in Methicillin...

Juniper Publishers: Brush Cytology- Alternative to Endoscopic Biopsy i...

Juniper Publishers: Brush Cytology- Alternative to Endoscopic Biopsy i... :   Gastroenterology & Hepatology - Juniper Publishers Abstract Introduction: Upper gastrointestinal tract lesions are the leading cause...

Juniper Publishers: The Application of Aqueduct-100 for Controllable C...

Juniper Publishers: The Application of Aqueduct-100 for Controllable C... :  Gynecology and Womens Health - Juniper Publishers Abstract Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the Aqueduct-100 to dilate the cervix ...

Juniper Publishers: Biomass is a Promising Resource for Energy Generat...

Juniper Publishers: Biomass is a Promising Resource for Energy Generat... :   Biomedical Engineering & Biosciences - Juniper Publishers Abstract Energy is one of the main socioeconomic development inputs worldwid...

Juniper Publishers: Dendrochronology in Namibia: A Review - Juniper Pu...

Juniper Publishers: Dendrochronology in Namibia: A Review - Juniper Pu... :  Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources - Juniper Publishers   Abstract More than 64% of Namibia’s land is occupied by the savann...

Growth Performance and Body Compositions of Clarias gariepinus Fed Graded Levels of Detoxified Jatropha curcas meal- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract Protein source is the single most expensive ingredient in feed production. The limitation of this important resource necessitated the need for sourcing for alternative and non-competing protein source especially from  Jatropha curcas  plants. This research thus, investigated the growth performance, survival and body compositions of  Clarias gariepinus  fingerlings (4.30±0.01g) fed five diets containing 40% crude protein and varying inclusion levels of detoxified  Jatropha curcas  meal (DJCM) at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% replacement for fishmeal (FM). The results obtained indicated significant differences (P<0.05) for the growth parameters, survival and biological values evaluated. Diet 1 (0% DJCM and 100%FM) gave the best growth parameters in terms of Mean weight gain (10.53±1.95), Food Conversion Ratio (2.73±0.55), Specific Growth Rate (2.19±0.23) and survival rate (73.33±10.41) followe...

Assessment on the Effects of Summer Fishing Moratorium in East China Sea- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Short Communication The broad coastal waters in East China Sea (ECS) is an ideal natural spawning and feeding grounds for major economic fishes. Every year during spring and summer, numbers of fishes like small yellow croaker, hairtail, pomfret and white Chinese croaker will return to this area to spawn and prey [1]. ECS occupies an extremely important position in the Chinese fishery. Due to the quick growth of fishing effort, from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, notable changes had taken place in offshore traditional economy fish resources, which presented a serious recession [2]. The main phenomena and features were individual miniaturization, simple age structure and early maturation [3]. To deal with these problems, the government of China carried out summer fishing moratoriumin ECS and Yellow Sea in 1995. More than twenty years after implementation, the coverage, duration and fishing style has continued to expand.Till now...

Assessment and Mitigation of Natural Disasters for Sustainable Livelihoods of Coastal Communities in the Maheshkhali Island, Bangladesh- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract Being a disaster-prone country, nearly one million people have been killed in Bangladesh by cyclones since 1820. Cyclonic storms have always been a major concern to coastal plains and offshore islands of Bangladesh. At least 54 damaging cyclones were reported in the coastal area of Bangladesh from 1793 to 2009 estimating once in every 4 years. Coastal community of Moheshkhali Island is adversely affected by natural disasters since time immemorial. Community livelihood data collected with 309 questionnaires from household heads of eight vulnerable and exposed coastal villages and 24 focused group discussion representing various social groups of the Island is the important milestone of the study. Fishing with traditional boat and gear in the Bay of Bengal was identified as the main income generation option of men where sea salt extraction, agriculture, trading and day labor were found as supporting occupatio...