
Showing posts from September, 2019

Juniper Publishers: Highland Agricultural Knowledge in Migrant Familie...

Juniper Publishers: Highland Agricultural Knowledge in Migrant Familie... :  Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal            Abstract Migrant families are key to observe the dynamic re...

Juniper Publishers: Highland Agricultural Knowledge in Migrant Familie...

Juniper Publishers: Highland Agricultural Knowledge in Migrant Familie... :  Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal            Abstract Migrant families are key to observe the dynamic re...

Aquaculture & Marine Biotechnology Programme in India- Juniper publishers

                    Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Mini Review Marine biotechnology has been a major focus world-wide through bio-discovery of marine microbes, invertebrates, micro-algae and macro-algae. In the commercial production of bioactive molecules and pharmaceuticals it plays a pivotal role. The global market for products from marine biotechnology is expected to reach over US$ 4 billion by 2015 and therefore marine bio-resources emerging with a lot of scope for the health and well being of aquaculture production in the country through marine bio-business. DBT has been encouraging the scopes of Aquaculture & Marine Biotechnology, covering both R&D and approached broad aspects through competitive grant scheme with the operational inputs from the Task Force Committee and with incentive during Brain Storming Sessions and workshops. For economically important finfish and shellfish species, and als...

Juniper Publishers: Technological Challenge of Agriculture in Climate ...

Juniper Publishers: Technological Challenge of Agriculture in Climate ... : AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY: OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL - JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Abstract Climate change has a strong impact on...

Juniper Publishers: The Butyrate-Producing Microbiome in Murine Models...

Juniper Publishers: The Butyrate-Producing Microbiome in Murine Models... : CURRENT RESEARCH IN DIABETES & OBESITY JOURNAL   JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Authored by Craig Beam Introduction Significant ...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive... : Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal - Juniper Publishers Opinion Radioactive contamination, also called rad...

Environmental Implications of Mining of Beach Placers for Heavy Minerals- Juniper Publishers

                  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract With the increasing demand for clean energy in emerging economies like India, the requirement for Rare Earth Elements (REE) along with thorium is getting enhanced. In such a situation an indigenous resource of these are important. The easy extraction of these elements from beach placers has attracted considerable interest. However, mining in beach areas can have a detrimental impact, if suitable measures are not undertaken. The impact of mining of heavy minerals, primarily by dredging, along the east coast of India is discussed. Keywords:  Heavy minerals; Rare earth metals; Monazites; Erosion; Beach placers Go to Introduction The peninsular India is bounded on three sides by water and one side by land. It has a long coastal tract of 7,517km. The sedimentary deposit present along this vast coast is an important setting for mineral deposits. T...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive... : Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal - Juniper Publishers Opinion Radioactive contamination, also called rad...

Juniper Publishers: Oocyte Quality and Female Infertilitye_Juniper Pub...

Juniper Publishers: Oocyte Quality and Female Infertilitye_Juniper Pub... : GLOBAL JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE - JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Authored by Chaube SK Abstract Female infertility is one...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive...

Juniper Publishers: Managing Water Resources Using - Water Radioactive... : Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal - Juniper Publishers Opinion Radioactive contamination, also called rad...

Bioluminescence in Fishes: Diversity and Functions- Juniper Publishers

                  Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Introduction Bioluminescence is a amazing biological phenomen, which can be found in terrestrial and oceanic environments. Numerous bioluminescent taxa were described from the marine environment [ 1 - 2 ]. Bioluminescence is especially abundant in the deep-sea. The majority of luminescent taxa are invertebrate animals. In contrast to the high diversity in invertebrates, vertebrates lack bioluminescent light organs, with the exception of an amazing diversity in teleosts and some shark species. A recent paper reported that bioluminescence appeared in ray finned fishes in 27 independent evolutionary events [ 3 ]. Bioluminescent light is generated in spezialized light organs based on a oxyidation of a light emitting luciferine in the presence of oxygene and the enzyme luciferin [ 1 , 4 ]. Most of the bioluminescent species produce blue green light in the wavelength range a...

Juniper Publishers: Utility of Noninvasive Serum Biomarkers of Liver F...

Juniper Publishers: Utility of Noninvasive Serum Biomarkers of Liver F... : ADVANCED RESEARCH IN GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Authored by Mostafa M Sira Abstract Background:...

Some Evidences on the Relationship of Cyclic Development of Photosynthesis and the Earth's Crust Processes- Juniper Publishers

              Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract According to the model of the global redox carbon cycle, there is a relationship between non-uniform movement of lithospheric plates and orogenic cycles of photosynthesis and climatic cycles. Some natural facts are given in favor of this assumption. Keywords:  Lithospheric plates' movement; Photosynthesis; Cycles; Organic carbon; Carbonates Go to Mini Review Recently published model of the global redox carbon cycle [ 1 ] asserts that cycle is a recurring sequence of related processes on the Earth. The sequence is called the orogenic cycle and consists of short-term orogenic and long-term geosynclynal periods. The orogenic period of the cycle is characterized with intense volcanism, magmatism and mountain building. The geosynclynal period is characterized with quiet development of the Earth's crust when photosynthesis and weathering become dominant. It was a...

Juniper Publishers: Is Telomere Shortening a Genetic Factor That Predi...

Juniper Publishers: Is Telomere Shortening a Genetic Factor That Predi... : CURRENT RESEARCH IN DIABETES & OBESITY JOURNAL JUNIPER PUBLISHERS Authored by Murillo Ortiz Blanca Abstract Telom...

Wind-Wave Relation during Hurricane Matthew in 2016: Buoy Measurements and Applications- Juniper Publishers

                   Juniper Publishers -  Journal of Oceanography Abstract Analysis of wind and wave parameters measured by a data buoy during Hurricane Matthew in October 2016 indicates that the dimensionless wave height and period are approximately linearly related. It is found that, under the conditions of growing wind seas and aerodynamically rough flow over the ocean U 10 = 36 H S /L P  here U 10  is the wind speed at 10m, H 5  is the significant wave height and T P  is the dominant wave period. Further verifications of this relation are successful during Hurricanes Dean in the Caribbean Sea, Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico, Estelle near Hawaii and Typhoon Russ near Guam in the Pacific. In addition, when the variation of T P  is small and Hs may be linearly related to the wind speed. A formula is proposed using Matthew's growing wind seas as an example. These formulas may be useful in applied oceanog...