
Controlling Factors of the Population Dynamics of Two Dominant Bivalves of the Macro-benthic Community on the Sandy Tidal Flats

  Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal Juniper Publishers Authored by:  Hiroaki Tsutsumi Abstract The edible short-neck clam, Ruditapes philipinnarum , is one of the most dominant species in the macro-benthic community on the sandy tidal flats that face Ariake Bay in Kumamoto Prefecture, western Japan. Until the 1970s, over 40,000 tons of the clams were collected per year on the tidal flats. However, the dense patches disappeared, and the clam-harvesting fishery has suffered from extremely poor catches of less than 500 tons per year over the past three decades. We conducted environmental assessments of the sediment and did quantitative surveys of the macro-benthic community on Midori River Tidal Flats located in Kumamoto between April 2017 and April 2019 and tried to find the reasons why the clam population markedly declined. Asian mussels ( Arcuatula senhousia ) and short-neck clams predominated the macro-benthic community on the tidal flats. Howeve...

What Indicators Could be Useful to Understand the Development of Digestive Tract, During the Early Ontogeny of Teleost Fish?

  Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal Juniper Publishers Authored by: Cuenca-Soria C A Abstract Nowadays, the most of studies about the digestive physiology and structure changes during the initial ontogeny of cultured fish, have been focused to describe the indicators (associated with those changes), punctual and reclusively. Moreover, there are not enough indicators, when the digestive morphological and functional changes, are described in certain fish in particular. The present review, try to describe and compile the indicators of digestive morpho functional development, attending the feed habits, as well as the kind of ontogeny that undergo the teleost fish, which, it almost not be considered. The review tries to explain, the importance of show possible synergy between biochemistry (enzymology), histological, histochemical, molecular, mainly genomic aspects (among others); towards an integral and reliable description of the morpho functional changes...

Environmental Perception of Recreational Fishers in Urban Beaches

  Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal Juniper Publishers Authored by:  Jacqueline S Silva-Cavalcanti Abstract Recreational fishers depend on the good quality of those environments. The assessment of the environmental perception of social actors who show a sense of belonging to the landscape can better describe the impacts on the environment. This study aimed to assess the recreational fishers’ perception of the environmental quality in four urban beaches. 170 recreational fishers agreed to participate in the research. They were required to respond to questions about their fishing strategies and their perception of the environmental quality of the beaches and the possible impacts on the fishing activity. Based on the responses presented, a description of both local fishing activities made, as well as an analysis of the perception of the beaches’ environmental quality for fishers. On average, the recreational fisher ones have been working for 16.2 yea...