
Showing posts from January, 2019

A Note on Portunid Crabs of Odisha Coast, India

A Note on Portunid Crabs of Odisha Coast, India Portunid crabs belonging to the genera, viz., Scylla, Portunus and Charybdis species mostly represent edible shellfishes with high quality meat content. These crabs are widely valued in domestic and export markets Nandi & Pramanik [1] . They are mostly marine species; estuarine forms are also not uncommon. In the eastern maritime States of India, Odisha coast is 480 km long with a continental shelf area of 32,000 sq km. In this coastal region there are a number of estuaries (Mahanadi, Rhushikulya, Bahuda, Brahmani-Baitarini) and a large brackish water lagoon, known as Chilka Lake, an important Ramsar site in India. All these coastal habitats support important fish and shell fish resources of the country. A perusal of literature as well as investigation undertaken by the authors reveals a total of 29 portunid crabs species belonging to three subfamilies and six genera from this coast including five new records Read more...

Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) Whistle Sound by Denoising Spectra with Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)| Juniper Publishers

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) use whistles to communicate with their conspecifics and maintain group cohesion. We recorded 8 whistles of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in the Safari Park, Cisarua Bogor, Indonesia between 10th - 15th May 2015. Dicrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) using Haar wavelet method for analysis whistle sound of Indo-Pasific Bottle Nose Dolphins.Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Showed difference between the treatment before and after meal at whistle sound. DWT in Wavelet have Haar wavelet method produced highest value of Power Spectral Density Level (PSDL) is 61 dB re 1μPa2 / Hz, and lowest value is -80 dB re 1μPa2 / Hz. Interval whistle have a equation y= -8.6x+ 97 , R2= 0.3658 (36%) in show pool, before meal treatment. While in show pool, after meal treatment have y= x+55.5, R2= 0.0758 (8%).Before meal treatment in ANOVA have Y = 22.5045 + 0.000097 X, and have percentage of R2 value is 1 %, percentage of Significance F value is 63%....